Ukraine 1-0 England Highlights

Robert Green is sent off as England lose their 100% record with a 1-0 World Cup defeat in Ukraine.

Watch group 6 European World Cup 2010 qualifier match, Ukraine Vs England Highlights here.


1-0 Nazarenko

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10 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    WTF man…alumnia is like freaking 3rd choice goalkeeper for SPAIN…dude he’s not english

  2. Anonymous says:

    haha, We (england) have single handedly knocked croatia out hahaha

  3. Anonymous says:

    cos almunia is not english

  4. Anonymous says:

    jebemti mater

  5. Anonymous says:

    Rob Green is sh*t
    Why dosent capello give Almunia a go

  6. Anonymous says:

    dude. Even when England lost, nothing is gonna change the fact the Croatia’s not advancing. Feel the pain we felt at Euro’08 bitch. Suck it!

  7. Anonymous says:

    wtf ur saying, England gave that win to Ukraine cuz they are in already..

  8. connekt says:

    Go UKRAINE go!!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    omg england thanks a lot i hate england so bad there goes Croatia world cup chances omg im crying right now

  1. October 10, 2009

    […] can watch highights of this match on right after the […]

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